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Friday, February 17, 2012

Updates: its been a long time!!

Hello all we are now settled in and im going to try to keep up with blog posts now.
We are now back in our routine of preschool/ pre K studies on the computer and along with me preparing short lesson plans and printable packets with letters, numbers, books, and crafts and getting lots of inspiration from other blogs from stay at home moms and pinterest.  She is doing very well for here age, she can write her name, her age, she has shape, letter, and numbers 1-20 recognition. We are working on rhyming, vowels sounds and beginning reading- noticing sight words etc. so excited to be able to share thsi experience with her. There is a very good school here in Jal small class sizes too. I was going to enroll here for their preschool class but held off since its already towards the end of the year and going to dedicate time to it here are home for now. Once shes 5 i hope to get her enrolled in possibly preK or at least some activities like gymanastics, dance, music and arts etc.. Every Friday we will be attending storytime here at the libray. very very nice libray here. Its 45 min they have coloring sheets and then read and have a craft. I know she will enjoy it, I will stay there are library and have some mommy time reading books. : )
Last weekend we went to carlsbad caverns, it was so neat. Something everyone need to experience just once at least. It was amazing to see something like that. Alexa really enjoyed it, even though she has to walk about 2 miles and since shes smaller it was probably more for her little legs. She did great though.
Where we live isnt the nicest lets say, this town is rather old and run down but it works. I will put a couple flowers outside my door so i have something pretty to look at when im outside. The further you drive into new mexico the prettier it does get, I like all the rock. But where we are not so much... There is a small little lake/pond here in town with walking path and new playgound. There are ducks that you can feed also. It is very nice, along with the library and the school. The rest of the town is all cactus, dirt, half grown dead trees, lots lots of oil drilling (smell of it outside), and trash ( im actually pretty disappointed about seeing all the trash its all over in this area even in towns over hr aways from us). Oh well we will make the best of it like we always do. 
Love and miss everyone. I will post photos soon and every once in awhile to keep everyone updated on new and exciting things.
oh yea- Alexa is finally gettign the hang of her bike riding without me pushing her and with her being able to handle the pedaling and the steering of the bike all at once. :) finally. We will keep working with her and hopefully someday get the training wheels off. One step at a time. At least we are having progress. YAY!!

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